Sunday, December 9, 2007

Session One with PR

Although I am only now getting these posted, I will be writing from my log, and in that time frame. Therefore, today will be 18 October, because it is MEA and I don't have to work. I met PR at Memorial Library and we were together for two hours. Today was getting to know each other and since we had so much time I recorded him as well. He has had English language instruction in his own country, Nepal, so he is bi-lingual. Although he is bi-lingual, he has pronunciation and intonation issues to work on. I also showed him a website that I really like, because it is for pronunciation and shows how the mouth moves and how the sounds should sound in initial, medial and final positions in a word. He thought this was really cool. The more I know about someone, I feel the better position I am in to help. I don't seem to have a problem establishing trust, and we both seem comfortable with each other. My youngest daughter, Jaida, was with me today, as she didn't have school either. Given that most of the time I will be tutoring on the weekends, she will likely be with me a lot. Fortunately for me, she is very self-entertaining. We will meet tomorrow and begin working on intonation issues. I don't have a solid plan yet, obviously, but there are a few things I have already picked up on.

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